На Солнце 25, 26 августа 2014 произошли вспышки класса М2.0- М3.9 и выбросы корональной массы Солнца.
Выбросы корональной массы Солнца (coronal mass ejection, сокр. CME) направлен не в сторону Земли. Но, существует вероятность геомагнитных бурь в геосфере Земли через 2- 4 дня- 27- 29 августа 2014. Фото. Видео.
Good morning. Attached is an updated look at the visible solar disk on Tuesday. Solar activity during the past 24 hours was moderate with two moderate M-Class solar flares, and a number of C-Class solar flares detected. Region 2146 located in the northwest quadrant was responsible for the majority of activity. The first event, an M2.0 solar flare at 15:10 UTC, was responsible for a 10cm radio burst, type II and IV radio emissions, and a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) that was directed mostly to the west. A slight Earth directed component is possible. Low energy proton levels reached enhanced levels following this event, but remain well below the minor radiation storm threshold. The second event, a shorter duration M3.9 flare at 20:21 UTC, generated a weaker CME that appears to be directed fully to the west and away from our planet. The active region remains magnetically complex and will remain a threat for an isolated M-Class event. All other visible regions are currently stable.
A reminder that a rise in geomagnetic activity will be possible during the next 24-48 hours due to the possibility of a couple of glancing blow CME impacts, along with the onset of a coronal hole solar wind stream. There is a lower chance for minor G1 level geomagnetic storming at high latitudes.
Sunspot 2146 located in the northwest quadrant became very active on Monday. The region produced a pair of moderate M-Class solar flares. The first event, an M2.0 flare at 15:10 UTC, was associated with a 10cm radio burst, type II and IV radio emissions, and a bright coronal mass ejection (CME) that appears to be directed mostly to the west. There appears to be a weak Earth directed component. A small enhancement in Earthbound proton levels was observed on Monday afternoon.
The second event, an M3.9 solar flare, was observed at 20:21 UTC. This event genrated a CME that was directed to the west and away from Earth. Click HERE for an updated event log for the M3.9 flare.
С 27 по 31 августа 2014 вероятны возмущения, аномалии в геосфере Земли, геомагнитные бури. Это может вызвать блэкауты- отключение энергосетей, сбои в работе космических аппаратов, спутников, работе компьютерных сетей и средств связи. Аварийно напряженный период на всех средствах транспорта.
Андрей Андреев- косморитмолог.