На Солнце в декабре 2014 продолжается повышенная активность.
Солнце- 17 декабря 2014.
17 декабря 2014 произошёл выброс корональной массы Солнца. Фото .
Solar activity reached high levels early Wednesday morning. Expanding sunspot 2242, now located in a geoeffective position, produced a strong M8.7 solar flare peaking at 04:50 UTC. The event was associated with a 7 minute long Radio Burst (TenFlare) measuring 320 solar flux units (SFU) and a Type II radio emission with an estimated velocity of 910 km/s. Click HERE for a video. Region 2242, along with region 2241, will each remain a threat for additional moderate to strong solar flares. More updates regarding a possible CME once additional information becomes available. Stay tuned to SolarHam.com for the latest updates.
UPDATE: A coronal mass ejection (CME) was produced by the M8.7 solar flare and appears to be directed mostly to the south and away from our planet. More updates later this morning if necessary. Regions 2241 and 2242 will remain a threat for additional solar flares.